For the match held August 28, 2005 at the Springs Rod & Gun Club


                                                      O. H.             R.Sit               R. Pr.               Sl. Pr.               Total

Joe Paradisi                  AR            91-1X            92-1X            94-2X            190-4X              467-8X

Garrett Lander (Jr)       AR            90-1X            95-2X            93-2X            187-5X              465-10X

Dave Dunkle                M1            72                  92-2X            88                  190-2X               442-4X

Ben Jendruczak            AR            74-1X            99-2X            94-1X            171-3X              438-7X

Dave Dunkle                AR            70                  95                  91                    170-2X              426-2X

Ben Jendruczak            M1            69                 91-1X            87-1X             177-1X               424-3X

Jim Flick                       AR            84-1X           85                  88-1X             164-1X               421-2X

Pete Mathews              Spgfld        66                  73                 68                    177-1X               384-1X

Gary Williams               M1            64                  66                 46                    178-3X               354-3X

Terry Williams            P17             51                  73                  66                   150                      340

Donald Myers (Jr)       AR            44                   51                  97                    146                     338

Pete Mathews              M1           71                  49-1X             53                    160-2X               333-3X

Ethan Myers (Jr)        AR             38                  53                    83                    154                      328

Kevin Forcier             M1A         77-1X            52                     46                    102-2X               277-3X

Mike Jobe                    Spgfld     64                   22                     80                      92                     258

We had a nice day and a nice group of shooters.  Three juniors is a record for us, the two Myers boys started out kind of rough, but picked it up in slow prone. 

I promise not to complain about the cold weather, it got down-right hot at mid-day!  We always complain about something and the weather takes criticism well!

Mike Jobe shot his first match – has a bruise on his collar bone, a skinned up elbow and another bruise on his hip.   He said something about working on shooting 25’s at trap – Mike, don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy the match?  Get some MACHO!  

Thanks for the help.  The next match is September 25, 2005.

Thanks for coming.

Pete Mathews
