For the match held March 25, 2007 at the Springs Rod & Gun Club
O. H. R.Sit R. Pr. Sl. Pr. Total
Vic Shine AR 96 2X 99 2X 99 3X 185 3X 479 10X
Vic Shine (2) M1A 87 0X 93 3X 89 0X 175 2X 444 5X
Dave Dunkle AR 92 0X 89 2X 90 0X 172 3X 443 7X
Jim Flick AR 85 0X 92 2X 90 1X 168 2X 435 5X
Jim Flick (2) AR 85 0X 86 0X 91 0X 167 2X 429 2X
Terry Williams P17 70 0 X 69 0X 84 0X 180 1X 405 1X
Gary Williams P17 72 0X 69 0X 80 1X 165 0X 386 1X
Pete Mathews M1 83 0X 65 0X 67 0X 167 0X 382 0X
Kevin Forcier M1 52 0X 35 0X 75 0X 145 0X 306 0X
Greg Wolfe AR 54 0X 65 0X 17 0X 61 0X 197 2X
Jeff Mott (Jr.) Carb 19 0X 0 0X 0 0X 142 0X 161 0X
We had a nice day, some fog early, but it didn’t stay long. A few more shooters made it seem like a real match, it was nice. We even had a second relay! Vic shot twice with a different rifle each time and still out shot the rest of us. We need re-enforcements! Bring on those junior shooters, the over-the-hill gang isn’t going to over take Vic!
Thanks for coming.
Pete Mathews