For the match held April 27, 2008 at the Springs Rod & Gun Club
O. H. R.Sit R. Pr. Sl. Pr. Total
National Match Scores
Dave Dunkle M1A 82-0 92-2X 83-1X 161-1X 418-4X
Con Shearer AR 15 70-0X 76-0X 74-0X 93-1X 313-1X
Jim Flick Withdrew
Garand Match Scores
Ben Jendruczcak M1 86-0X 86-0X 94-2X 81-0X 447-2X
Joe Paradisi M1 80-0X 84-0X 86-0X 189-2X 439-2X
Troy Shearer M1 69-0X 73-0X 79-0X 168-2X 389-2X
Bolt Gun Scores
Mike Jobe 03A3 75-0X 66-0X 88-1X 158-1X 387-2X
Terry Williams 98 69-0X 56-0X 74-0X 162-1X 361-1X
A beautiful day for a rifle match, sunny and cool. The scores weren’t especially good – I think the light conditions made sighting tough. It didn’t bother Vic too much, as usual. Good shooting Vic! Several other new shooters are showing rapid improvement. We all like to see that happen!
Dave Dunkle thanks all those of you that pitched in and helped pull the match off. You guys made it all come together. The help that was lined up had brake problems and didn’t show up.
Pete Mathews