For the match held

August 30, 2009 at the Springs Rod & Gun Club


                                                O. H.   R.Sit     R. Pr.   Sl. Pr.                          Total


Dave Dunkle                M1A    89-0X  89-0X  94-4X  172-0X                        444-4X


Mike Jobe                    03A3   80-0X  80-0X  86-0X  190-0X                        436-0X


Jim Flick                       M1       76-0X  81-0X  84-2X  185-4X                        426-6X           


Pete Mathews              M1       79-1X  86-1X  73-0X  186-2X                        424-4X


Dan Gruver                  AR       81-1X  78-0X  91-1X  172-1X                        422-3X


Seth Jones                    AR       75-0X  84-0X  85-0X  154-1X                        403-1X


Mike Mioduszewski     M1       46-0X  80-0X  73-0X  176-2X                        375-2X


Gary Wilson                 AR       74-0X  64-0X  81-0X  141-0X                        360-0X


Greg Evans                   M1       63-0X  49-0X  82-0X  156-1X                        350-1X


Carlos Davila                AR       24-0X  40-0X  82-3X  166-1X                        312-4X


George Schroeck         AR-SP 82-0X  0          77-0X  136-2X                        295-2X


Matt Spencer               AR       45-0X  39-0X  44-0X  93-1X                          221-1X


After a nice start the day deteriorated to a misty on and off rain.  Not enough to make much difference to the shooters who were under the canopy, but the light conditions did change a bit.

The overall scores were pretty good.  Several shooters shot their best scores to date and nobody really regressed.  George Schroeck’s rifle broke down in rapid sitting where he had a couple of what sounded like full auto strings.  A pin was replaced and he was back in action for the rest of the match.  Normally we don’t give new shooters national match targets, but Matt Spencer shot the national match targets with a 16” AR-15 carbine.  Matt, we apologize for that mistake.

It was nice to have twelve shooters, it feels more like a rifle match when there is a nice line of shooters.  I certainly enjoy the company of the guys that shoot very much and look forward to each match.

Keep on com’in!


Pete Mathews (398-4368)    Dave Dunkle   (398-4052)

