For the match held
September 27, 2009 at the Springs Rod & Gun Club
O. H. R.Sit R. Pr. Sl. Pr. Total
Mike Jobe 03A3 81-0X 95-0X 85-1X 183-3X 444-4X
Dave Dunkle M1A 74-0X 91-0X 85-0X 170-1X 420-1X
Pete Mathews M1 79-0X 81-0X 80-0X 175-2X 415-2X
Mike Mioduszewski M1 56-0X 69-0X 83-1X 180-1X 388-2X
Greg Evans M1 68-0X 51-0X 85-1X 155-1X 359-1X
George Schroeck AR-SP No Score Reported.
The day started with a light rain, but by shooting time it had quit although it threatened rain much of the day. The turn out was down a bit – there were several conflicts with other events.
Nobody shot the lights out, but the guys at the bottom of the list shot their best scores to date. Some of us who have been occupying the top of the list regularly had better pick it up if we don’t want to be replaced.
I think everybody had fun along with the frustration. Greg nearly had to shoot his Garand as a bolt gun, luckily we found his gas plug had fallen out! That would have been a first at our club, but probably not a first in the Garand world.
Thanks for coming!
Don’t forget the Terry Williams Bolt Gun Match next Sunday, October 4, 2009. You can shoot any gun, the high bolt gun shooter will have his name & the year engraved on the trophy. The trophy will remain at the club. The first relay will start at 8:30, fog permitting, followed immediately by succeeding relays. Call Pete to reserve a spot on a relay.
Pete Mathews (398-4368) Dave Dunkle (398-4052)