For the 100 yard match held

August 7, 2011 at the Springs Rod & Gun Club


National Match Rifle


Ben Grolemund (Jr.)   AR       77-0X  95-1X  92-1X  184-3X                        448-5X


Seth Jones (Jr.)            AR       83-1X  85-0X  83-0X  166-3X                        417-4X


Doug Sheets                AR       74-0X  88-0X  77-0X  153-0X                        392-0X


Carl Pelino                  AR       81-0X  58-0X  68-1X  141-2X                        348-3X



Service Rifle Match


Ethan Lam                   AR       55-0X  60-0X  75-1X  173-2X                        363-3X


Bill Mack                    AK74  59-0X  81-0X  75-0X  147-0X                        362-0X


Carlos Davila              AR       72-0X  67-0X  65-0X  152-0X                        356-0X


Josh Sadler (Jr.)          SKS     53-0X  81-0X  69-1X  123-0X                        326-1X


Chris Mioduszewski   AR       55-0X  67-0X  41-0X  158-4X                        321-4X



Bolt Gun Match


Ed Capello                  03A3   32-0X  71-0X  62-0X  131-0X                        296-0X



F Class                                                First String         Second String                       Total


Joe Paradisi    Rem 40X .22               100-6X            198-13X                      298-19X


Joe Shrader     Kimber .22                  97-2X              198-6X                        295-8X


Mike Mioduszewski    Ruger 10-22    97-3X              195-7X                        292-10X



It was a hot day, especially in the afternoon, however, we did not have to contend with any rain.  We had to turn away shooters in the morning for the first time ever – some trimming along the range edges will be done so we can accommodate a few more shooters per relay.

Several good scores were recorded,, Ben Grolemund, a junior, shot a nice 448-5X and Carlos Davila shot his best score to date, a 356-0X.

Somebody mentioned the variety of rifles on the line in the first relay, it looked like everybody had a different rifle!  We have said all along that you don’t have to have an expensive rifle to have fun.  Why wait to buy that $1000 rifle, shoot anything you have until you can “out shoot” it.  Then break the bank and buy that super rifle.  You should see the groups shot with .22’s in F Class!          


Remember you can check your scores on the Springs Rod & Gun Club web site:  www.springsrodandgunclub.org or check out the Gem City Gun club web site: www.gemcitygunclub.org.

 or www.jjgun.com

Thanks again for coming today.


Pete Mathews (398-4368)    Dave Dunkle   (398-4052)

