For the 100 yard match held

June 3, 2012 at the Springs Rod & Gun Club



National Match Rifle


Dave Dunkle (2)         M1A    86-0     94-1X  92-0X  187-5X                        459-6X


Nate Hunter (1)           AR15  86-1X  86-0X  81-0X  162-1X                        415-2X


Steve Wescott             M1A    92-0X  80-0X  77-0X  161-1X                        410-1X


Nate Hunter (2)           M1       78-0X  64-0X  66-1X  120-1X                        328-2X



Service Rifle Match


Bill Knapp                   AR15  62-0X  83-0X  86-1X  165-1X                        396-2X


Troy Shearer                AK47  76-1X  83-0X  82-0X  155-0X                        396-1X                       

Joe Kanya                   M1       61-0X  54-0X  86-1X  182-2X                        383-3X


Lyle Hoovler               M1       63-0X  82-0X  88-1X  148-0X                        381-1X


John Kolacz (Jr.)         M1A    58-0X  81-1X  60-0X  159-3X                        358-4X




Greg Evans                 M&P   69-0X  73-0X  69-0X  158-0X                        369-0X




This month we had a rainy, cool, overcast day for our monthly match.  Early on in the day it appeared that we could be struggling to draw enough shooters to make it worthwhile to hold the match, but we got some nice support from the Greenville crew. 

Some good scores were shot and at least nobody suffered from the heat.  New shooter, thirteen year old John Kolacz, shot an amazing 358-4X in his first match with a new rifle.  Congratulations John!  We hope to see you back next month.   We are also glad to have another junior shooter.  We have been short on juniors since Seth Jones joined the Air Force last summer.

The help by you shooters in setting up for the match is much appreciated.  It is also nice that you shooters loan and supply each other with slings, hearing protection and other things.

Remember you can check your scores on the Springs Rod & Gun Club web site:  www.springsrodandgunclub.org or check out the Gem City Gun club web site: www.jjgun@jjgun.com.


Thanks again for coming today.


Pete Mathews (398-4368)    Dave Dunkle   (398-4052)
