For the 100 yard match held
March 3, 2013 at the Springs Rod & Gun Club
National Match Rifle
Dave Dunkle M1A 87-0X 94-0X 80-3X 180-1X 441-4X
Steve Wescott M1A 80-0X 91-2X 87-0X 175-1X 433-3X
Bart Wineland M1A 84-2X 91-1X 90-0X 160-0X 425-3X
Ron Brown M1A 58-0X 75-1X 59-0X 145-0X 347-1X
Service Rifle Match
Nate Hunter M1 90-1X 79-0X 84-0X 164-1X 417-2X
Joe Kanya M1 66-0X 77-0X 84-0X 167-1X 394-1X
Ed Wineland M1 27-0X 21-0X 41-0X 128-0X 217-0X
Bolt Gun Match
Steve McQuiston 03A3 62-0X 80-0X 86-1X 176-3X 404-4X
The weather was about the same as last week. Cold! Still, some good scores were shot, Nate Hunter had the high offhand score of the day with a 90-1X, shot with his Garand. Joe Kanya shot his best score ever at the SR&GC, a 394-1X. Congratulations to Nate and Joe and everybody for braving the sub-twenty degrees in the morning. It wasen't much warmer in the afternoon.
Ed Wineland appears resigned to master his M1 Carbine. Hang in there Ed!
Thanks for coming. The next match is the first Sunday in April.
Remember you can check your scores for the year on the Springs Rod & Gun Club web site: www.springsrodandgunclub.org.
Thanks again for coming today.
Pete Mathews (398-4368) Dave Dunkle (398-4052)